Scarlet’s Playground is a barrier-free, all-inclusive playground in Commerce Twp., Michigan… metro Detroit.
Barrier-free definition: designed or planned so that people with disabilities are not prevented from using something. In other words… Individuals that may have to use wheelchairs/canes/crutches/etc… can easily access everything available.
This playground was named after Scarlet, a six-year-old who was diagnosed with SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) at the age of eight months.
•Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic condition that causes muscle weakness and atrophy (when muscles get smaller). SMA can affect a child’s ability to crawl, walk, sit up, and control head movements… Via
This is mine and my husbands TOP CHOICE for playgrounds we have taken our boys to so far. We all had a blast.

Playground Specs | Features
Excerpt via
•18,000 square feet
•Special rubberized surface to accommodate wheelchairs. It would be hard to get around to everything if there were wood chips.
•Double-wide ramps for easy passage of wheelchairs. Really wide.
•Shaded play decks and tunnels, zip lines, swings, sensory play equipment, teeter-totters, merry-go-rounds, climbing structures, special slides that don’t create static electricity, a learning wall with brail letters, an imagination table, and, per Scarlet’s request, a rocket ship and more!
•Shaded picnic tables


•My oldest liked this swing to a certain height. I’m not a fan of heights either and my husband was trying to push us higher…no, no, no! 😅 The higher we got…I didn’t want him to fall out, so I had to keep my foot on his chest to keep him sitting back.
•My youngest is not a fan of swings at all. He said, “winging…stop it” = Swinging, stop it. He wanted down…and fast. When we put him down, he ran.

Things That Spin

Excerpt via – Bringing kids of all abilities together, the We-Go-Round® is fully wheelchair accessible and promotes fun interaction by having all users face each other. It can be turned from the inside or outside, allowing everyone to participate in the fun.

Toddler Area | 2-5 years old


Things to Climb

He was just staring at the other kids in this climbing dome 🤣.
Sway Fun Glider
Excerpt via – Click the hyperlink to see more info and a YouTube video for how this SWAY FUN GLIDER is used.
•Room for 2 wheelchairs and other passengers can sit on the benches.
•Play table with cup holders and wheelchair handholds

We-Saw – Seesaw

Roller Table – Click the hyperlink to see more info and a YouTube video for how this ROLLER TABLE is used. I’m glad they have a video for their structures because when we were at the playground…I was very confused at how this thing was supposed to be used. I was watching their fingers very closely.

Monkey Bars


Around the Playground | Play Structure
Thank you so much for checkin’ out this post on Scarlet’s Playground. I plan to take my boys to explore a lot more playgrounds in Detroit and Metro Detroit and I will be documenting those through pictures as well.
I know before I go to any playground, I Google them for pictures…unless we just so happen to drive by it.