Perfect Pineapple Wraps is a head wrap company created by Charron Martin, based in Cleveland, Ohio. She got the idea from a wrap that her grandmother gave her. Charron wore it faithfully and the more she wore it, the more creative she got with tying it. After countless inquiries about where she got her wraps, she decided to sell them and Perfect Pineapple Wraps was born.
These head wraps, aren’t just your average piece of rectangular fabric or neck scarf, it’s a bit different, but it can still be worn just the same.
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Head Wrap Options
There’s a bunch of different options from crushed velvet, faux leather, tribal and floral prints, even solid colors. Faux leather and sequin headbands are also available. So you’re sure to find something fits your style.
Watch this 1 minute video that showcases the different colored sequin headbands. I LOVE this video. I watched it like 10 times, haha.
The wrap I am wearing is the ELECTRIC BLACK – there’s a holographic look to it, like a rainbowy, mirrored effect. I will be showing you 1 way to tie your Perfect Pineapple Wrap, and it’s called the “full wrap.” The full wrap is great for bad hair days, and even if your hair is done, but you just want to switch up your look.
“The Full Wrap”
• This is the finished look we are going for, so follow along with my step-by-step pictures if you want to see how to rock your head wrap like me.
• First you want to put your hair up into a high bun, if it can fit. If not, you could always sit a sock on top of your head and use a stocking cap to hold it in place.
- My hair was recently cut, so my bun wasn’t really big. I cut one of my husbands socks, but only used the part that covers his leg. I rolled it and placed it at the base of my ponytail. Since it’s going to be covered, it doesn’t have to be super neat.
• Grab your head wrap, take one pointed corner and tuck it in. I like to ALMOST meet the other corner because it will be less fabric to tuck once you’ve finished the wrap.
• Pull the flat side over the back of your head.
• Take your hand, right where the stitching is, and pull it up and out.
• Take both of your hands at each side of the stitching, which should be in the middle, and pull it outward. The flap should be in the middle.
• Now you’re gonna have to adjust your hands, twice, so the head wrap can be twisted.
• You with me? I hope I didn’t confuse you there!
• Once the wrap has been twisted, pull it just over your bun, so that your bun is holding it in place.
• Some fabric will be left sticking out at the front, this is why you want to get the pointed ends to almost touch, so there isn’t much to tuck in.
• Tuck the remaining fabric.
• Push the head wrap back if you want your edges out, or if you don’t, that’s okay too!
Follow Perfect Pineapple Wraps on Instagram and subscribe on YouTube.
At the time of publishing I was a brand ambassador for Perfect Pineapple Wraps.
I’m trying to find a way to contact you so that I can purchase your products. I live in Cleveland. Where are you located?
Hi Debra… these are not my products. You can purchase from . The owner, Charron, attends trade shows regularly to sell her products. Check out her Instagram @PerfectPineappleWraps