When trying to decide on crochet hair, pictures or videos of the hair that I decide on, so that is always my goal…to share an up-close look at what the hair looks like outside of the package and once installed.
In my video below, there is a 3-in-1!
Part 1: How I install the Lulutress 2x Curly 3b crochet hair
Part 2: How I cut and shaped the curly crochet hair
Part 3: How I removed it
Quick thoughts
I kept this hair in for 18 days, which was 18 days too long and I didn’t like it. Usually, I like to keep my crochet hair in for a full month…making it work for the last couple days, but this hair quickly turned into a tangled mess. By the time I got to 14 days, there was just chunks of hair matted together and I maintained it as I do every crochet hair…sleep with a bonnet…thassit.
This curl pattern reminded me of old lady curls. I only liked wearing this hair when I had it pulled back into a 1/2 up 1/2 down style.
After Install – Before Cut & Shape

After Cutting and Shaping

Packaging, Loop, and Curl Pattern

Check out the full video here .
Thank you for checking out this blog post and until my next one… byyyyyyyeeeee. ✌🏽