This is the supply list for your braid and twist lessons at Learn to Braid and Twist with Chrishinda!
Thank you so much for investing in my lessons and in yourself!

Wait, what lessons are you talking about?
I offer LIVE, virtual, one-on-one lessons via Zoom video chat where I will teach you to either braid (cornrows and plaits) or twist (singles).
I teach 3 methods of plait braids, both overhand and underhand and 2 methods, traditional cornrows/basic stitch and twisting… regular two-strand twists or rope/senegalese twists.
The video below does not show cornrows, which are now available as a lesson option.
Supplies: What to Get
Here are a few items you can choose from. You are also more than welcome to do your own searches and buy whatever works for you or use what you already have.
Please use the following image to choose whether you will practice with braiding hair, a human model or a mannequin head and look below that to see what you’ll need.
*Links to different supply options are further down the page
DO NOT PURCHASE EVERYTHING SHOWN. You will pick and choose your preferences.
-You will need to choose your model type, combs, and water spray bottle. Styling product(s) are optional.
• Choose something to practice with: Braiding hair, mannequin head, or human model
• 2 combs – regular sized comb and a rat tail – This is only if you are practicing with a mannequin head or human model, not braiding hair. You can just use a regular comb if practicing with braiding hair.
–If you are practicing with:
–Mannequin – You can do rat tail only if you are practicing with a mannequin head
–Human model – Rat tail comb and regular sized for human model so you aren’t pulling too much hair out with the little teeth of the comb. The regular sized comb allows for detangling without ripping hair out.
• Water spray bottle – A lot of people style wet hair. Hair curls up (if you have naturally curly hair ) and you will need the rat tail comb to smooth the hair as you braid or twist. May or may not be used for your lesson. Please have one handy.
-If you are practicing with:
—If using Braiding hair – You can use a water spray bottle if you are practicing with just braiding hair… you won’t be using any gel or other stylers, so the water will give the hair the grip you need. Braiding hair can be slippery. You will get a much tighter braid or twist if you can get a good grip on the hair.
—If using a Model – if you want to practice on wet/damp hair, you’ll need the spray bottle. This will give you plump two-strand twists along with the styler. Having a styler will help me to show you how to use product, but not necessary.
—If using a Mannequin – if you want to practice on wet/damp hair, you’ll need the spray bottle… this will also give you the grip you need if you choose not to use a styler. Having a styler will help me to show you how to use product, but not necessary.
• OPTIONAL Styler (styling product) – OPTIONAL, but please have a water spray bottle handy – Gel, foam/mousse, or styling/twisting cream –You only need a styler if you are practicing with a mannequin head or human model. Look at which lesson you chose to learn below (braids/twists) and see which styler option may suit your needs best.
*If you choose NOT to use a styler, please have a water spray bottle
*If I say “thick gel at the root,” it’s to show you how to apply the product and it will lay the roots down or give you a more sleek look.
–Braid lesson on model or mannequin – Water spray bottle if you choose not to use a styler! Stylers are optional.
—Dry hair – Thick gel at the roots (not necessary) and gel, styling cream, or foam/mousse for the rest of the hair.
—Wet hair – loose gel, styling cream, or foam/mousse
–Two-strand twist lesson on model or mannequin- Water spray bottle if you choose not to use a styler! Stylers are optional.
—Wet hair – cream, foam/mousse, or loose gel
—Dry hair – Thick gel at the root (not necessary), foam/mousse, styling cream, or loose gel for the whole twist
—Make sure to have a water spray bottle if you’d like to practice on wet/damp hair… This will plump up your twists (depending on your hair texture).
–Senegalese twist lesson – Water spray bottle
Thick gel at the root (not necessary) if you would like to use a product. We will practice this twist with just water. So please have a water spray bottle.
Images via Amazon
Practicing with Braiding Hair
This is if you choose not to purchase a mannequin head or if you don’t have anyone to practice on.
Braiding hair comes in MANY different colors. You can search your favorite online retailer for whatever color hair you want. Search “Pink Kanekalon braiding hair,” “grey kanekalon braiding hair,””colorful kanekalon braiding hair,” etc… or just “braiding hair.”
Practicing with a Mannequin Head
Choose the one you’d prefer with the hair texture you would like to work with. Choose a mannequin if you don’t have anyone to practice on or don’t want to practice using braiding hair.
Afro mannequin heads hair will need to be WASHED AND DETANGLED before your lesson. It comes really matted and after you wash it, you will need to condition it and go section by section with a detangling brush or comb, then rinse. If you know how to either twist or braid, you can section them off with some leave in conditioner, braid or twist or even put them in ponytail sections, and let the hair air dry.
Different color and skin complexion options under this link. Silkier texture if you will be working with this texture hair on a regular basis. If not, get one of the blowout texture options above.
Choose the comb option of your choice. The first option will cover both of the rat tail and regular comb requirement. If you already have one type, just get the one you need.
This would probably be the best option, but you can choose whichever you’d prefer. The other options will leave you with multiple of each comb, which would come in handy if you lose one. The comb to the right is what I am referring to as the “detangling comb.” The teeth are more spaced out than a rat tail, so you aren’t pulling your hair to detangle.
Spray Bottle
This is if you are using a mannequin head or real person as your model and you want to practice on wet/damp hair…. the water will help with grip if practicing with braiding hair and act as the gel, hair cream or foam. CHOOSE ONE (1).
*The mist bottles are cool, but not my fav. A lot of people like them though. 🙂
Hair gel, twisting cream, or hair foam/mousse
STYLER ARE OPTIONAL: This is if you are using a mannequin head or real person as your model….NOT if you are practicing with braiding hair. CHOOSE ONE (1). This will depend on the product(s) you like to style with.
I like this option for the pump.
Hair Clip(s) or Ponytail Holder(s)
Something to keep the hair you are not practicing on out of the way. This is if you are using a mannequin head or real person as your model….NOT if you are practicing with braiding hair. CHOOSE ONE (1).
Of course you don’t need this many, but it was a great deal.
Mannequin Head Table Clamp
*This is for those who choose to practice practice with braiding hair only and chose this option to attach their braiding hair to after watching this video on different things you can attach your braiding hair to in order to practice.
*If you are practicing with a mannequin head…it should have already come with a table clamp, so there’s NO NEED to purchase this.

Phone Tripods
You can choose to purchase a phone tripod which you can you even after the lesson for personal use or you can find something to prop your phone up on for your lesson. I will need to see what you are doing as you practice.
For phones and LIGHTWEIGHT cameras and GoPro’s – I chose this because it is compact
I chose this because it is compact
I hope this post was helpful! If you have any questions, please email me at or DM me on Instagram @LearnToBraidAndTwist … also, follow me @HeyChrishinda
Images via Amazon