Reaching Milestones
Yoooo, it’s crazy how much he has grown.
He is mad attentive now. He started makin’ little baby noises just before he turned 1 month and has only progressed. He is talking all the time and I love it. The noises he makes are so cute, even his cries. His cry has gotten louder and sometimes he even “screams,” and I just look at him like, “Whoa, where did that come from and why are you doing it?” Sleep has gotten a little better for both of us and breastfeeding is all over the place. He kicks his feet all the time and it’s the cutest thing. We should probably get him a toy that he can kick, hmmmm. He has also started to grab onto a few things — mainly our shirts.
Doctor’s Appointment – Congestion
At less than 2 months, he weighed 11 pounds and 3 ounces! He’s eating good!
He had phlegm in his throat for at least 2 weeks before I took him to the doctor. I took him a few days before he turned 2 months. The doctor said he looked comfortable and really not to worry unless he seems to be working really hard to breathe or if I see skin tugging. Skin tugging is a sign of respiratory distress, so if babies have nasal flaring, you need to get them to the E.R. Babies’ nasal passages are the size of a coffee straw, which is tiny, so it doesn’t take a lot of congestion to cause a problem. She recommended saline and suctioning.
I also watched a doctor on YouTube say that as long as babies can maintain suction on a bottle or breast without coming off and gasping for air, they are fine.
After I used the saline a few times, he would spit up A LOT. It’s like he spits up everything he ate. Before I started with the saline, he would only spit up a little bit, so I was a little concerned, and I have every right to be.
2 Month Doctor’s Appointment
Although his appointment is a few days after his 2 monthiversary, it is still his 2-month checkup.
After only 7 days…since his last doctor’s appointment, he is at 11 pounds and 8 ounces… that’s what I’m talkin’ about!
They weighed and measured him. Listened to his lungs, of course. She said he still has a head lag, but with more tummy time, his core will get stronger. They checked for hip dysplasia and made sure there aren’t more wrinkles on one side near his butt than the other. They also checked to make sure his legs were the same length.
They say his vision is still poor, but it really doesn’t seem like it. I swear he can see more than a silhouette.
Everything turned out great and he was supposed to get his shots, but I hadn’t done any research, so I told them he would not be getting any. When he was born, we only let them give him the Vitamin K shot.
I brought up the fact that after putting saline up his nose, that he would throw up a lot and she said it’s fine. It’s just like if you’re at the pool and you get water up your nose…it’s a natural response, but she said she just wouldn’t do it as much.
I don’t understand why everyone says babies are “eating,” when they are clearly “drinking,” lol. Have y’all ever thought of that?
He doesn’t eat as often as he used to and feedings are way quicker. He does still drink a little bit, fall asleep, or just stop drinking so you think he’s content, but nope… he will start crying like a mad man like I’m the one that stopped him from eating. The only thing that gets me is that he will be sleep for 15 minutes and just wake up trying to finish, so that’s what draws out the feeding process.
His latch changes from feed to feed. Sometimes he has the perfect latch and others he just wants to suck on my nipple and I am not havin’ that. It really hurts. I have noticed that when he needs to burp or is about to poop while he’s eating, he will start to tug at my nipple and squirm a lot, so that’s when I take him off and burp him or just leave him be for a little bit. He may get a little fussy when I take him off, but he calms down while I try to burp him.
While he’s eating he has started to move his hands a lot and even use both to kinda “pull” my boob to him. I think it’s the cutest thing.
I think everything he does is cute 🙂
He still loves bath time. He is just so relaxed when he’s in the water. Getting out and that air hitting him is the only bad part, but we try to wrap him up as fast as we can. His dad is the one that gives him baths, so that is a big help.
He always seems to get little bumps and dry patches all over, so I just watch for them, keep his face clean and try to keep the patches moisturized.
Dirty Diapers
He has plenty of wet and dirty diapers. The only struggle is finding the perfect diaper, and we have tried a few.
Sleep is … alright. He takes long naps, but when it was actually bedtime, he would sleep 2 hours, maybe. He wakes up at least twice during the night, but closer to him becoming 2 months, when he started waking up, I would put the pacifier in his mouth and sometimes he went right back to sleep and others, he kept spitting it out, so I would feed him. Before, every time he started to move or wake up, I would grab him to feed him.
He doesn’t even open his eyes to eat, he just starts pulling at my boob and would barely open his mouth, which would mean him just sucking on my nipple. He would start to get fussy because it would take too long for the food to come, but I’m not putting my nip in his mouth with barely an opening.
In the End
I love watching what I created inside me, grow.So much has changed since he was 1 month. Of course there are still a few sleepless nights, but I have adjusted. That doesn’t mean I’m not sleepy when I have to get up in the middle of the night, but it means that it is a part of being a mom.
He can’t do for himself yet, so it is a process. I’m not rushing him to get to the next phase in his growth. I am taking in all that I can while he still needs me for everything.
Leave a comment letting me know when your baby started sleeping through the whole night…or at least for longer stretches.
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